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Yoga Programs

Yoga can be defined by different definitions depending on various schools of thought. But in short, like Ayurveda, yoga also is a way of living. It has various objectives, like curbing the mental modifications, to attain a balance between the body and mind, to make the body agile, to deliver calmness, to help manage several disease conditions etc.

The aim of Yoga as pictured in Bhagwat Gita says that it is the way to get free from sorrows, the way to overcome anger, misery and to achieve equilibrium.

Aims of Ayurveda and Yoga are the same, i.e. salvation. Health is the main route through which one can attain salvation.


Asana is a segment of Yoga which includes different stable yogic postures.It helps attain control over physical body through which one can control the mind and thereby enhance all over development of being. It provides lightness of the body, enhances strength and health.

Even the very basic Vajrsana helps relieve stiffness in the joints and improves concentration. The Suptavajrasana is beneficial for thyroid abnormalities and helps expand the chest. There are other special techniques which are specified for health ailments like back ache and respiratory problems.


Another section of Yoga, which is Pranayama helps attain mastery over the mind. It also improves lung ventilation and lung circulation, improves concentration of mind, gives a relaxed emotional state, improves vital capacity of lungs, relaxes skeletal muscles etc.

These are highly beneficial in several digestive aliments also.

If one becomes a regular practitioner of a few postures of Yoga and follows an Ayurvedic diet and regimen, he will be able to maintain good health for long.

Dr. Sudha will advice you the right posture to be practised at the apt time during or after the treaments.

Once the body is detoxified by Ayurvedic treatments and medicines you can practice a few appropriate postures after consulting. We can also provide you expert guidance under our efficient Yoga teachers.