Pollution and its Hazardous Impacts
The technological advancement in every field has contributed to the improvement in our standard of living, but it has come at the cost of polluting our environment. We have constructed huge buildings for our comfortable living by cutting down trees from hectares of land. New industries and chemical factories are rising up like mushrooms in every nook and corner of our country which has led to polluting our natural water resources, land and atmosphere. Burning of fossil fuel is another factor that is harmful to the environment.
Air pollution is probably one of the most serious environment problems confronting our society today. The pollutants can be in form of gas (sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, mercury in gaseous form, ammonia) as well as solid particles or particulates (soot, dust, smoke, fumes, mist) PM (particulates matter-PM10, PM2.5) are inhalable particles which can cause serious health issues. Particles less than 10mm in diameter (PM10) can get deep into your lungs and some may even get into your blood stream.
In a recent study it is found that there is an alarming increase in the level of manganese, lead and nickel in the air at Delhi and nearby cities. These are neurotoxins that damage the brain and there is a risk of cancer associated with long term exposure to nickel. The absorption rate for children is more than that of adults. Nervous system is the most vulnerable site of lead poisoning. Delayed or impaired neurobehavioral development, low IQ, Headache, poor attention, irritability, loss of memory and dullness are the early symptoms.
Lead absorbed by the pregnant mother is readily transferred to the developing foetus, linking with reduced birth weight and preterm delivery and also with neuro-developmental abnormalities of offspring. In adults, reproductive effects such as decreased sperm count in men and spontaneous abortion in woman are associated with lead poisoning. During Diwali fireworks, a metal called Barium is released in the atmosphere in large quantities which is very toxic to us. Respiratory tract is the most sensitive target following inhalation of this metal
In today’s fast paced world, many unhealthy physical, mental and emotional toxins, impurities and energies can build up in and around us. There is no practical way to protect yourself from all the toxins, but you can neutralize many with positive lifestyle choices, yoga, meditation and importantly our detoxification treatments.
One of the methods that we use for detoxification and rejuvenation are Panchkarma procedures and our special Kerala Ayurvedic massage. We have designed a course of 7, 14, 21days detoxification and rejuvenation treatments according to the need of the patient, which includes Pizhichil (Oil bath), Shirodhara, Udvarthanam, Nasyam, Kizhi etc. These helps in extracting all the toxins from all parts of your body and moving them forward to the colon for its elimination process. The vasti (medicated Kashayam enemas, oil enema) is given at the end of the treatment which will attract all the vitiated doshas to the colon and expel out of your body. It also regenerates, rejuvenates and nourishes all the tissues.
Our treatment will not be the complete without administration of internal medicines. We prepare exclusively herbal medicines from the age old Authentic Ayurvedic manuscripts. We make sure that there are no heavy metal preparation in any of our products that will produce any adverse effect on the patient.
Benefits of our detoxification treatments
– Balance of tridoshas
– Improves immunity
– Proper functioning of digestive system
– Reduces stress
– Anti-aging
– Improves skin texture
– Enhances mindfulness
– Improves concentration, memory and peacefulness
Steps to control the adverse effects of pollutions
– Drink lots of water (boiled and cooled) to flush out the toxins from the body.
– Eat fruits having lots of Vit C and anti-oxidants.
– Install air purifiers in houses and offices.
– Have air purifying plants like tulsi, neem, banyan, aloe vera around the house.
– Have indoor plants at homes and offices/work place.
– Always wear pollution mask while stepping out.
– Stop cigarette smoking and burning garbage as it will worsen the situation.
– Seek medical help if you experience breathing problems.
– Practice yoga, meditation and pranayama on a daily basis
– Use environmentally friendly fuels or electric vehicles for transportation.