
Common flu is an infectious condition caused by the influenza virus. Commonly seen symptoms of flu are running nose, cough, mild or severe fever, nasal congestion, sore throat, headaches and body pain. Many of us then resort to anti-viral and anti-biotic courses to get rid of this. But we seldom realize that a prolonged usage of such medicines can lead to impaired digestion and can affect the stomach and intestinal lining causing conditions like ulcers and gastritis.
Fluwin is a safe and effective combination of natural herbs which is designed specially to tackle the symptoms of flu. It not only cures flu but also improves your immunity power to fight against the disease causing virus to prevent recurrence.
How it works:
Fluwin contains ingredients like, Kapikachu, Shankhapushpi,Bala, Shati, Yava, Abhaya, Vyaghri, Vasa swarasa, Tulasiswarasa, Amalaki, Haridra, Vilwa, Agnimantha, Syonaka,Shunti, Maricham etc. This makes fluwin a rich combination of natural anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, anti-viral, anti-oxidant and rejuvenating elements.
Vasa, Tulasi and Amalaki are the main ingredients of fluwin. It is in the swarasa (herbal extract) of these three that the other herbs are processed. Vasa is a prime drug mentioned in the treatment of cough and cold in Ayurveda. The chemical constituents of Vasa (active alkaloids, vasicine, vasicinone etc.) help combat bronchial congestion, cough, allergies, inflammation, fever, cold, asthma, headache, diarrhoea etc.
Tulsi, the holy Basil, is a natural but very effective anti- pyretic, anti-biotic, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-oxidant herb.
Amalaki, Haridra, Tulasi, Abhaya are well known for their anti-septic, analgesic and detoxifying properties. They are highly effective in protecting your respiratory system by acting against bronchitis, asthma, nasal congestion, inflammation of oral mucosa, cold, rhinitis etc.
Haridra, Shunti and Maricham are health protectorswhich strengthen immunity, improve liver function and correct metabolism.
Haldi is also useful in treating indigestion, anemia, pharyngitis, skin disorders, wounds etc. It has excellent natural anti- biotic and anti-bacterial actions.
Kapikachu, Amlaki and Shankhapushpi are proven rejuvenators and are highly effective in treating several diseases. These act as potent tonics for the body, specially to the nerves and tackle fever, tiredness, bodyaches,constipation etc. Amalaki is a very rich source ofVit-C and anti-oxidants.
A combination of Immunowin and Fluwin will ensure that your body is guarded against infections and respiratory diseases and protect your body the healthy way.