What is Chikungunya?
It is a viral disease transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. The common symptoms are high grade fever, multiple joint pain, swelling, rashes, stiffness of joints, fatigue. The fever associated with it persists for 3-7 days. Often, after the fever subsides symptoms like severe joint pain, body ache, swelling, stiffness etc. develop all over the body. Even though the blood results are negative for the virus, the patient may mimic all symptoms of chikungunya.
What does Ayurveda explain it?
Ayurveda is science of life, which has both curative and preventive actions. According to Ayurveda vitiated tridosa (vata, pitta, kapha) enters the “Amashaya” (stomach) combine with “Ama” (undigested or improperly processed metabolites present in digestive tract), obstruct the channels, drive the digestive fire to the exterior (skin and other tissues). This in turn increases the heat of body which generate jwara or fever. Later vitiated dosas concentrate on joints and manifest other symptoms. Ayurveda helps to maintain the digestive fire and also open the blocked channels. It has the power to modulate immunity against the virus, which helps
reverse the inflammatory changes in the body and helps rejuvenate the joints. Internal medications and external therapies help get rid of chikungunya.
How can Ayurveda help if I have Chikungunya?
Kerala panchakarma treatment like Pizhichil. Elakizhi, Abhyangam etc. help to restore the function of joints. In the initial stage, if the temperature is very high, then allopathic medicines should be given to lower the temperature. Later internal medicines like Guduchyadi kashayam, Amrithotharam kashayam, Pippalayasavam,Punarnavasavam, Amritarishtam, Guduchi capsules, Arthrowin capsules, Immunowin , Punarnawadi guggulu capsule etc. are given according to the condition of the patient which helps to purify the blood and to reduce the inflammatory changes and pain in the joints. Immunonowin is deemed to be very effective in this treatment. As a precaution, one also can take Immunowin capsules to improve immunity to prevent catching Chikungunya altogether.
What should I eat?
Diet also has big role in curing chikungunya. A diet high in liquids is preferable. Recommended are lemon juice with salt and sugar, mosambi juice, tender coconut water etc. as they are very effective in restoring health. Light food like rice porridge, dhalia, oats, khichidi etc. and lots of water at room temperature is advised.