Allergic Rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal membranes due to many reasons like pollen, dust, pollution, mold, animal dander, taking immunity reducing drugs for long time etc. The main symptoms include running nose, sneezing, itching and watering of eyes, swelling of eyes, heaviness of head, irritation and stuffiness of nose, fatigue, drowsiness, ear ache and anosmia. Although allergic rhinitis is not a life threating condition, complication can occur and it may disturb the daily life.
The main reason to catch up with allergic rhinitis is reduced immunity of the body. The main symptoms that can be watched for allergic rhinitis are multiple sneezing sessions especially in the morning, itchy eyes, nose and throat, almost always dripping nose etc.
Allergic Rhinitis according to Ayurveda
In Ayurveda such allergies are compared to Pratishyaya. Some of the causes which leads to Dosha vitiation include indigestion, sleeping in day time, exposure to cold weather, breeze and dust, Keeping the pillow very low or very high under the head, drinking more quantity of water, indulging in more water sports, staying awake at night, suppression of natural urges and improper seasonal regimens. Due to all these reasons, Doshas are vitiated and undigested toxins (ama) settles in the various tissues (vimarga gamana) and block the channels (sanga) and cause Prathisyaya or allergic rhinitis.. Allergies are of many types according to Ayurveda based on the doshas which are vitiated. Mainly allergic rhinitis is compared with Vata and Kaphaja type of Pratishyaya.
Treatment in Ayurveda
The main treatment is to improve the immunity power of the body. Shodhana therapies (cleansing treatments) and Shamana therapies (internal medicines) can be used for effective treatment. Ayurvedic treatment if taken as adviced not only helps in curing the disease but also helps to prevent the recurrence. Internal medicines supports the upper and lower respiratory tract, increase the immunity of the body, eliminates the toxins and improves the general health.
Shodhana therapies include external cleansing treatments like Nasya (marsha and pratimarsha types), Shirodhara (both taila dhara and takra dhara), Dhoopa (inhalation of medicated smoke), Vamana (emesis), Kabala (gargle) and Bashpa Sweda (steam bath). Nasya (nasal instillation) is the main treatment as it cleanses the upper respiratory tract and eliminates all the nasal and sinus blockages. A prescribed course of nasya will not only help to eradicate the disease but also can prevent its recurrence.
Shirodhara with suitable oils or medicated butter milk are also recommended in certain conditions to cure chronic allergic rhinitis. Swedana (steaming) is an inevitable process in the whole treatment as it relieves the congestion and eases breathing by relieving blockage. Daily practice of Dhoopa (medicated smoke inhalation) and Kabala (medicated gargle) also gives much relief to the condition. Vamana is a method by which the person is made to vomit by giving certain medicines after proper preparatory stage. This is done when the allergic rhinitis is very chronic in condition. All the external treatments are best worked if done along with taking of internal medicines.
Home Remedies
Chew 5-7 Tulsi leaves in empty stomach.
Add half teaspoon turmeric powder with warm milk and take once daily.
Sleep on time.
Take immunity enhancing drugs like Gooseberry, Ashwagandha etc.
Take ginger tea.
Do pranayam.
Avoid cold food.
Reduce exposure to cold environments for longer period.